From start-up to trusted language service provider.

The world was becoming increasingly digital when a bold vision by Gabriele Weyland-Tschentscher and three business partners became reality and LINGUA LEGIS emerged on the scene in 2006. 

Our mission was clear from day 1 – to be a language service provider that truly understood the needs of our clients in the legal and financial markets and had the wherewithal to deliver on them.

Over the years, we have held ourselves to the most exacting standards and have risen to every challenge. 

A look back.

The courage to embrace change.

Our expertise in the language services sector dates far back, to a time when documents were still transmitted on floppy discs. What was once “state of the art”, soon became outdated as digital technology continued to advance apace. 

Our previous employer was stuck in its ways, producing legal translations by dictating, transcribing texts and subjecting them to multiple checks in a time-consuming and expensive process. We recognised the enormous potential that modern technologies offered: Trados and other CAT tools could not only improve but also speed up the translation process. We were intent on integrating them into the business model, but our pleas for progress fell on deaf ears.

It may be true that (some) old dogs can’t learn new tricks, but we refused to settle for the status quo and decided to change the game by spinning off and forming LINGUA LEGIS, a company that reflected our values and our vision for the future. But starting over is never easy. We worked tirelessly day and night, translating pleadings, contracts, an endless array of securities prospectuses prompted by the infamous dot-com boom, annual reports, term sheets and documentation relating to financing solutions for international capital markets. At the same time, we set about expanding our subject matter portfolio by bringing on expert financial translators with CPA and CFA qualifications to complement our lawyer linguists. And the hard work paid off. Within a very short time, LINGUA LEGIS had made a name for itself as a reliable partner for leading commercial law firms and financial institutions.

World in crisis.

A catalyst for growth.

In 2008, a financial crisis sent shockwaves across the world, paralysing the global economy. The capital markets had hit rock bottom, essentially pulling the rug out from underneath us as an aspiring start-up. The uncertainty on the markets worldwide had a very palpable effect on our business.

But instead of bemoaning our situation, we did what we have always done – we seized the moment and turned it into an opportunity. We analysed the changed market conditions and demands with a critical eye. We spoke personally with our clients to get an even better handle on their needs, and we set about expanding and tailoring our services to the industry’s new demands.

The subject matter and content of our work changed dramatically. Not surprisingly, the almost immediate response to the events surrounding global financial crisis was strict regulation of the financial markets. Suddenly, there was a need for regulatory documents in the banking sector. Corporate governance, risk and compliance are issues that occupy us still today.

Even then, it was our adaptability and the trust our clients placed in us that allowed us not merely to survive those difficult times, but to grow and evolve through them

Our formula for success.

Understanding what clients need.

Over time, the performance of the stock markets has dictated the pace of our corporate change. Whenever the index fell, we used that momentum to grow and continue to refine our service portfolio in parallel with changes in the industry, never losing sight of our goal to meet the ever-increasing demands of our clients.

And with this very goal in mind, we expanded our portfolio to include new areas such as corporate communications and sustainability reports (ESG) as well as new services such as proofreading, transcreation, (post-)editing and audio/video projects. We also added a number of new language combinations, which are increasingly in demand on the European market.

But that also meant that reinforcement was necessary! Through a rigorous selection process, we have expanded our team to include highly-qualified translators, linguists, proofreaders, editors, copywriters and language service providers, which we proudly refer to as “language specialists”, because they do so much more than just translate words from one language into another.

Our success rests on our own exacting standards.

Looking back at the road we have taken and how far we have come, the way forward is clear to see. We have always practised a culture of mutual trust and respect, appreciation, integrity and high quality standards in our organisation, and that has stood us in good stead. 

We have never stopped keeping pace with technological developments and are doing so today more than ever. We are embracing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, but judiciously, and prefer to see ourselves more as responsible “experts in the loop”. 

Our aim is to leverage modern tools for the benefit of our clients, but not to do so blindly or as a substitute for human translation, but with forethought and the intention of always meeting the demanding professional, linguistic and inter-cultural requirements of our clients and delivering a top-quality product. Data and information security are our top priority, which is why we have spared no effort in fulfilling the quality and security requirements of ISO 17100, ISO 9001 and even ISO 27001.

We never promise more than we can deliver, and we put our credibility and reliability on the line every day.


Always state of the art.

LINGUA LEGIS was born out of the idea of revolutionising efficiency and quality in the translation industry – from the floppy disk of yesteryear to today’s encrypted electronic file transfer via a secure portal. Our history shows what can be accomplished with courage, transparency and hard work.

We are ready for what the future holds in store – both for us and our clients.