Financial translations for multinationals.

Your financial communications: Not just accurate, but with subject-matter and linguistic expertise.

Do you need translations of your annual or quarterly reports, securities prospectuses or other financial documents? International businesses frequently require translations of such financial texts. Reason enough for LINGUA LEGIS to not only make Europe’s financial centre our corporate headquarters, but also to make finance a prime focus.

Combining subject-matter expertise with linguistic excellence.

The key to flawless financial translations.

Perfect financial translations require more than professional translation skills and linguistic finesse. They require experienced linguists who have not only mastered their craft, but who also have in-depth knowledge and expertise in finance.

That’s precisely what our team offers: Our translators not only have university degrees in the foreign language, but in many cases also hold degrees in finance and accounting and have worked in the industry (as analysts, auditors or certified public accountants (CPAs)).

This combination of linguistic and subject-matter expertise ensures you achieve your communication objectives. 

Our recipe for success.

Interdisciplinary teams made up of translators with subject-matter expertise.

Financial documents often involve legal components, which also call for legal expertise. Depending on the nature and content of your document, we set up interdisciplinary teams of translators with financial expertise and lawyer-linguists with many years of experience in the legal field. This targeted combination of legal and financial experts allows us to achieve the perfect blend of linguistic and subject matter expertise to cover all your needs for any given type of document.

Meanwhile, our professional project and account managers coordinate behind the scenes to ensure seamless interaction between translators, proofreaders, subject-matter experts and the client. This way, we are always in a position to respond flexibly and reliably meet even the most time-critical deadlines.

We deliver perfection, every time.

Looking for top-quality financial translations?

LINGUA LEGIS is your partner for all types of complex financial translations.

For international businesses, listed companies, auditing firms and the wider financial community, we are the translator of choice for a broad range of financial documents, including:

  • Annual reports/interim and quarterly reports
  • Information memoranda
  • Ad hoc disclosures
  • AGM invitations
  • Documentation in preparation for annual general meetings, presentations
  • Meeting minutes
  • Securities prospectuses (bond issues, base prospectuses, IPOs, capital increases)
  • Fund prospectuses
  • Public tenders
  • Valuation reports
  • Consolidated and single-entity financial statements
  • Audit opinions
  • Key Audit Matters (KAMs)
  • Audit reports
  • Accounting guidelines and manuals (HGB/IFRS/US-GAAP)
  • Transfer pricing documentation
  • Restructuring reports
  • Tax documents

Put the translation of your financial documents safely in our hands.


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Looking for accurate and expert translations of your financial documents?